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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Soros-Funded Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx Still Has Time to Do More Damage to Chicago | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin | 168


Soros-funded Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx has been an absolute disaster for Chicagoans. In her first three years alone, Foxx dismissed over 25,000 felony cases in the Chicago area.

The Gateway Pundit reported that Foxx announced she will not seek re-election in 2024. But that still leaves two years for her to continue to push policies that wreak havoc on the city.

On Tuesday, Foxx unilaterally announced in a statement, that County prosecutors will no longer object to waiving court-ordered fines and fees.

“One of the tragedies of the criminal justice system is that a disproportionate amount of its financing is shouldered by people of color and those living in poverty,” Foxx said. “Rather than end the cycles of racial disparities and criminalization, fees and fines perpetuate them.”

The statement also included “victories” of her tenure thus far.

Wirepoints reports:

For example, she made a point of listing among her accomplishments, in her new press release about fees, that she increased “the non-violent shoplifting felony threshold to $1,000.” That made it open season on retailers to steal up to that threshold. Have no doubt about the mindset of progressives like her. In California, as reported by Newsweek, lawmakers are hoping to push through controversial legislation that would ban retail staff from stopping thieves stealing from their stores.

She has expressed no regret for her attempt to let Jussie Smollett off free, bringing international ridicule on Cook County. In his faked hate crime in Chicago, Smollett happily tried to throw under the bus both the supposed perpetrators, who had been his friends, as well as the entire criminal justice system.

Assistant State’s Attorney Jason Poje resigned in May after twenty years of serving the residents of Cook County. Poje wrote a scathing letter on his way out saying in part, “And yet, I’m leaving. Why could that be? The simple fact is that this State and County have set themselves on a course to disaster. And the worst part is that the agency for whom I work has backed literally every policy change that has the predictable, and predicted, outcome of more crime and more people getting hurt.”

It is going to be a long two years for the City of Chicago.


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