Tuesday, March 18, 2025

EXCLUSIVE: Arizona Hack Reporters Call for Indictment of TGP Reporter Jordan Conradson Over Maricopa County’s Fraudlent Signatures – MORE REVELATIONS TO COME | The Gateway Pundit | by Jordan Conradson | 126


Voter affidavits for the same voter in 2022, 2020, and 2019

Garrett Archer, a local Arizona reporter who calls himself the “Data Guru” and “Oracle of #ElectionTwitter” and is arguably Maricopa County’s PR guy, recently sparred with The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson while calling for his indictment over a tweet exposing Maricopa County’s mail-in ballot signature verification.  

Archer is infamous for defending Maricopa County’s shady elections procedures. He was previously a Senior Elections Analyst at the Arizona Secretary of State from 2016 to 2019.


Maricopa County recently provided The Gateway Pundit with voter signature records from the 2022 election and prior through a public records request. The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson used these public records to respond to a “pre-bunk” tweet by Garrett Archer, where Archer noted that “the VAST majority of signatures used for comparison [in signature verification] are OTHER handwritten signatures from previous early votes.”

This was an attempt at discrediting data from the We The People AZ Alliance organization, which has spent thousands of man-hours doing a real signature verification of 2020 mail-in ballot signatures, which Archer claims were  “illegally obtained” from the Arizona Senate’s 2020 Election Audit.

Clearly, the signature from 2020 on the affidavit below does not match the signature from 2022, but it was verified anyway.

Conradson tweeted, “So level one would start by comparing these two signatures from the same voter in different elections. Tell me, @Garrett_Archer, do these signatures match?”

Within an hour, Archer accused Conradson of committing a class six felony and said that he was told law enforcement had been notified of Conradson’s release of this public record.

Stephen Richer, in a now-deleted tweet, also celebrated the apparent referral to law enforcement. Richer tweeted, “not the first time the cops have been called on him,” likely in reference to the numerous times elected officials, like Katie Hobbs, have attempted to use law enforcement to try and stop Jordan Conradson.

Conradson destroyed Stephen Richer by tweeting a clip from our exclusive reporting where we revealed audio tapes of former Maricopa County Supervisor admitting that the 2020 election was stolen, the tabulation software was unreliable, and that Richer agreed with him!

“Overly egocentric Garrett [Archer],” as he calls himself, later championed the fact that the signature referenced “DID NOT PASS at level 1,” claiming this proves the signature “went through the proper verification process.”

Earlier, The Gateway Pundit reported on video footage of Maricopa County officials misleading the court with repeatedly conflicting statements regarding level-one signature verification workers. Stay tuned for our reporting on level one signature reviewers accepting questionable signatures from our extremely limited review.

WATCH: Maricopa County Couldn’t Get Their Story Straight About Signature Reviewer 2022 Election Who “Verified” 33,000 Signatures in Average of 2.4 Seconds Each

Garrett later claimed that the signature not only went through level two verification but was “manually cured” by staff. Though, according to the County’s signature verification files, also lawfully obtained by We The People AZ Alliance, the ballot was not cured. Instead, a level two manager passed the signature through the system in just 14 seconds.

Garrett later corrected himself while continuing to delight at the thought of Conradson being charged with a felony for exposing the rotten election system.

Despite being misled by sources about the signature review process, Archer continued to claim that Conradson lied, though it’s unclear where. The original tweet simply asked, “Do these signatures match?”

Still, Archer disregarded the 2020 mail-in ballot signature, which looked nothing like any other signature in this voter’s file and had a differently formatted date with different handwriting.

As seen in the signature file for this voter, the 2022 signature only somewhat matched two signatures from 2018 with different capitalization of letters and different “broad” and “local characteristics,” in accordance with Maricopa County’s signature verification training resources.

All voter signatures on file for the referenced voter in chronological order

Per Maricopa County Elections Director Rey Valenzuela and Maricopa County’s signature verification training materials, user level or level one signature reviewers compare current ballot affidavits against “up to three most recent” historical voter signatures “in chronological order.”

Rasmussen tweeted about the “skirmish” in anticipation of our coming story on signatures in the 2022 Election.

The Gateway Pundit will provide updates on our review of 2022 mail-in ballot signatures.


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