Minnesota Will No Longer Report Number of Babies Who Survive Abortion or Their Fate | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin
The abortion party continues their evil. On August 1, 2023, a new version of Minnesota’s abortion reporting law went into effect.
The new language will hide the fate of infants who survive abortion by no longer requiring abortionists to report when abortions result in live births.
Additionally, they will no longer report what measures are taken to care for such infants.
This follows the earlier repeal of Minnesota’s requirement that reasonable measures be taken to “preserve the life and health” of born-alive infants, replacing it with a requirement for “care.”
Under the new language, an infant could be denied lifesaving care and allowed to die.
MCCL, Minnesota’s oldest pro-life organization shared:
“Minnesota lawmakers have revoked basic protection for newborn babies, and now the fate of newborns who survive abortion will be hidden from the public,” said MCCL Co-Executive Director Cathy Blaeser. “Why do lawmakers want to keep us in the dark? This appalling extremism is not what Minnesotans asked for. Our elected officials must restore protection for newborns who are at risk.”
The weakened version of Minnesota’s abortion reporting law, which takes effect Aug. 1, repeals the requirement that practitioners report “whether the abortion resulted in a born alive infant,” “any medical actions taken to preserve the life of the born alive infant,” “whether the born alive infant survived,” and “the status of the born alive infant, should the infant survive, if known.”
In recent years, five born-alive infants were reported in 2015, five in 2016, three in 2017, three in 2018, three in 2019, and five in 2021, according to the Minnesota Department of Health. This information will no longer be available.
The Gateway Pundit reported on three babies that survived botched abortions and were “left to die” in 2018 in the state.
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