Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Woke “Twilight” Actress with “Non-Binary” Child Gets Blasted After Calling Target Boycotters “Terrorists” and Whining Over Store Removing LGBT Products (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger


Credit: New York Post/rachellelefevre/Instagram

A woke actress had an epic meltdown on social media over Target removing some of its LGBTQ products and got obliterated by conservatives afterwards.

“Twilight” actress Rachelle Lefevre posted a video Friday on Instagram and fought back tears while accusing Target selling out her “non-binary” 7-year-old daughter.

She also called conservatives boycotting Target “terrorists.”


Relevant remarks from the video:

I came in here two days ago and my 7-year-old, who’s nonbinary, saw it and said, ‘Look, Mom, it’s pride Look, they’re going to celebrate me.

I can’t bring them here anymore, at least for the entire month of June, because if they walk in, and all the other people who walk in and go, ‘Where’d it go?’ are going to realize that they are being successful in trying to erase them.”

We could be so much better than this. We’re not supposed to negotiate with terrorists (referring to conservatives boycotting Target).

Americans had a series of brutal responses to her meltdown:

You should be evaluated for Munchausen Syndrome.

Your 7 year old is non-binary? You need help.

Stop using your child as a social experiment. Get your child help. Be a better parent.

Go cry at home and learn how to parent!

She needs to be in prison.

YOU are what is wrong is society today.

While some may find Lefevre’s crybaby fit amusing, more sinister actions have been taken in recent days by far-left individuals. Jim Hoft reported Saturday that trans terrorists threatened to bomb multiple Target stores across the country for removing groomer products.

One Target store in Utah had to be evacuated in response to the bomb threats.

Conservatives should take comfort in recent culture war successes but be vigilant against more left-wing meltdowns. Upcoming actions will be more serious than woke actresses crying on social media.


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