Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Dictator Maduro’s Trip to Brazil for South American Summit FLOPS – Lula ‘slipped on the Banana Peel’ – Criticism From Chile and Uruguay – Brazilian Congress Contacts Interpol Over US DOJ Warrant for Drug Trafficking | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran


Brazilian socialist president Lula tried, but the presence of Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro in Brasilia for a Summit of South American countries was an unmitigated flop and generated negative reactions from other participant countries and even among Brazilian politicians within his own political field.

According to CNN Brazil: “The reception offered to the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, in Brazil did not resonate well among the allies of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT). The assessment is that Lula ‘slipped on a banana peel’.

Lula caused another one of his usual controversies by saying that “Venezuela is a victim of a narrative of anti-democracy and authoritarianism”.

[…] “Our adversaries will have to apologize for the damage they have done in Venezuela,” Lula said during a meeting with Maduro. In addition, Lula urged Maduro to build his own narrative to defend himself.

Foreign Ministry sources also said that ‘Lula will seek the withdrawal of the reward that the US government is offering against Maduro for international drug trafficking’.

The US DOJ has a warrant for Maduro.

But Congressmen from the opposition were not impressed, determined to ensure that Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro leaves Brazil as a prisoner to be extradited to the United States; federal deputies […] sent letters to the US embassy, requesting the arrest of Hugo Chávez’s successor.

In the document, [they] point out that Maduro is listed as wanted by the DEA for crimes such as drug trafficking, international terrorism and corruption.

Congress also approved a communication with Interpol regarding Maduro. Metrópoles:

“Requests information from the INTERPOL representative in Brazil about the existence of the arrest warrant issued in disfavor of Mr Nicolas Maduro, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, with the respective Red Diffusion, as well as, if so, about what measures were or will be adopted for his immediate arrest.”

Tupi Report:

“Members of Maduro’s entourage recommended the Venezuelan dictator to return to Venezuela [Tuesday night]; Nicolas Maduro’s return to Venezuela was scheduled for the afternoon of Wednesday.

The request came after the Chamber of Deputies approved a request for investigation, extradition and possible arrest of the Venezuelan leader in the case involving international drug trafficking. Advisers want him to return to the country of his own jurisdiction so as not to cause diplomatic problems.

Recently, the same almost happened in Argentina, which ended up preventing it from going to the meeting of Latin countries CELAC.”

Lula’s embrace of Maduro was also criticized by South American countries. The president of Uruguay, Lacalle Pou, was harshly critical of the Venezuelan regime and said that ‘everyone will be judged for their actions’.

“I was surprised when it was said that what happens in Venezuela is a narrative. You already know what we think about Venezuela and the Venezuelan government”, said the president of Uruguay. In his speech, Pou also stated that Uruguay sent a diplomatic representation to Venezuela because its affinity is with the Venezuelan people and not with governments.

Conexão Política:

“After the Uruguayan president, the president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, also criticized the statement given […] by Brazilian president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, that accusations that Venezuela lives under a dictatorship are a question of ‘narrative’.

Boric asked for ‘respect’ for human rights and stressed that he was a leader of the left. ‘It is a serious reality. I had the opportunity to see it in the eyes of hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans who live in our homeland and who demand a firm and clear position of respect for human rights everywhere, regardless of the political color of the ruler at the time,’ he declared.”

To top off the unmitigated disaster that was Maduro’s visit to Brazil, security guards of the Venezuelan dictator attacked journalists at the Itamaraty Palace, headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the capital Brasília.

“The aggression took place at the moment when the Chavista tyrant was granting an interview. His security guards tried to prevent the approach of other press professionals.

According to G1, ‘during the scuffle, a security guard working for the GSI punched [female] reporter [Globo Network] Delis Ortiz in the chest.’

The Foreign Ministry regretted “the incident in which there was aggression against press professionals” and guaranteed that ‘measures will be taken to determine responsibilities’.”


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